hai vs - BONGDATV

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hai vs: Different Or in Chinese: 还是(háishì) vs 或者(huòzhě),Háishi (还是) vs. Huòzhě (或者) | That's Mandarin,The burden of health care-associated infection worldwide,Trump mocked over shark comments during Nevada campaign event - USA TODAY,
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Different Or in Chinese: 还是(háishì) vs 或者(huòzhě)

To use interrupted time-series analyses to investigate the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). We hypothesized that the pandemic would be associated with higher rates of HAIs after adjustment for confounders. Design:

Háishi (还是) vs. Huòzhě (或者) | That's Mandarin

Healthcare - associated infections (HAIs) are infections that people get while they are receiving health care for another health condition. HAIs can happen in any health care facility (hospitals, surgical centers, long-term care facilities, nursing homes).

The burden of health care-associated infection worldwide

"Hi" serves as a universal greeting in English-speaking contexts and is adaptable to both written and spoken forms. On the other hand, "Hai" in Italian and Indonesian translates to an affirmative "yes," which has no relation to greetings but rather is used to express agreement or confirmation.

Trump mocked over shark comments during Nevada campaign event - USA TODAY

How to Use "最好 (zuì hǎo)" and "还是 (hái shì)". How to Use "打算 (dǎ suàn)" and "计划 (jì huà)". How to Use "疼 (téng)" and "痛 (tòng)". How to Use "立刻 (lì kè)" and "马上 (mǎ shàng)". How to Use "所有 (suǒ yǒu)" and "一切 (yī qiè)". How to Use "分别 (fēn bié ...